Delhi To Aligarh Transport Service, Rate @895/ Ton+ 2000 Cashback – Trukky

Delhi To Aligarh Transport Services

India’s 1st Online Truck & Partload Booking Platform with Live Pricing

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10000+clients / 4.7/5
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Customer Reviews For Delhi To Aligarh

4.8 based on reviews

I am satisfied with the service quality, the service was excellent. Driver was very good & he delivered the consignment much before than expected time, in one word TRUKKY-"BEST SERVICE PROVIDER"

Rachana Acharya
6, May 2019
rated 4.7/5.0

I am happy with the satisfactory services and quick response I received from trukky. The delivery time is also according to my need, the overall experience is very good with trukky logistics.

6, May 2019
rated 4.9/5.0

Trukky provided timely update and the hassle free booking, they shipped my material on time without any delay, I am very happy with the quality of service & interface.

Rajeev Patel
6, May 2019
rated 4/5.0

Excellent service provided by trukky, they follow the on time delivery and provide hassle free truck service with affordable price, safety, real-time pricing, insurance assistance, it’s really amazing. Overall the service is excellent.

Mustafa Kamal
6, May 2019
rated 4.4/5.0

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