For online truck booking in Surat, we have more than 50 vehicles that are all set for service. Some of those are
- 20 feet Closed Container / 6.5 TON
- 32 feet Single axle / 7 Ton
- TATA 407
- 32 feet Multi axle / 14.5 Ton
- 21 Ton / 12 Wheel
- 25 Ton / 14 Wheel
- 40 feet trailer
- 20 feet trailer
Today’s minimum truck rental for transportation of goods from Surat is near about Rs- undefined
The number of parcel home delivery requests that we received today for
- Surat To Chennai were 20
- Surat To Mangalore were 17
- Surat To Visakhapatnam were 17
- Surat To Rajkot were 12
- Surat To Meerut were 25
The types of materials we have shipped today through goods carriers from Surat are Sample Part,Supar spelendar,bulp,Battery Swapstation,Steel tool,Vegetable basket,Clay kullad,Samsung oven,Machine3,One solid box,Power weeder agricultural machine